The power of Infrastructure as Code in scaling Internet of Things networks
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been key toward revolutionizing industries, connecting devices, and enabling data-driven insights. However, scaling IoT networks is becoming a challenge as the number of devices continues to increase. To address this, infrastructure-as-code (IaC) provides seamless scalability and efficient management of IoT infrastructure. The Challenge of IoT Network Scalability An IoT […]
Top holiday cyberthreats retailers need to watch out for
During the holidays, retailers can feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks they need to complete. But while keeping up with the holiday rush, they also need to be vigilant about potential cyberthreats. With more customers shopping online and increased payment activity, there are several risks that can affect retailers during this time. Below are […]
Cut costs by following these cloud services tips
Cloud computing offers immense potential for businesses, but without careful management, cloud-related costs can quickly spiral out of control. Learn how to rightsize your cloud resources, leverage cost-saving tools, and adopt best practices for efficient cloud usage in this guide. By following the strategies we’ve outlined here, you can significantly reduce your cloud expenses without […]
Hack-proof your passwords with the latest NIST password guidelines
Want to outsmart hackers? Start with your passwords. By following the latest guidelines from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), you can create robust passwords that will keep your accounts and information secure. The evolution of password guidelines Initially, NIST emphasized the complexity of passwords, encouraging a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, […]